How To Choose The Right Backpack For Your Hiking
When you're planning on going for a long hike, one of the most important things to consider is the backpack. Your backpack is what you will use to carry all of your supplies, including clothing, food, shelter items, and more. For this reason, it's important to take some time to determine which backpack would be right for you and your needs.
One of the first things to consider when looking for a backpack is how much space you will need. Backpacks come in many sizes that range from very small to extra large. Before you purchase a bag, you will need to determine which items are a necessity for you. If you're planning a high in colder locations, you may need to bring warmer clothing which can result in needing a larger bag. If you have a small tent and minimal supplies, a small backpack can be a great option as it will be lighter and easier to carry. Choosing the correct size backpack for your needs is the first step in finding the right type of backpack.
When considering backpacks for your hike, you'll need to think about your torso size. The size of your torso can impact the type of bag that will work best for you. Not everyone has the same torso size, and some bags are not adjustable. In most outdoor stores, an employee should be able to measure your torso length for you to tell you the size that you'll need. If you would prefer measuring on your own, there are many guides on the internet to show you how to measure properly. Once you have the size of your torso, you can use this to find a bag that will fit properly. If a bag is adjustable, you can make adjustments as you see fit. Some bags that are not adjustable come in various sizes so be sure to select one with the appropriate torso sizing.
The next step in choosing the right type of backpack is considering how much weight you'll be carrying. The amount of weight that will need to be supported plays a major role in the supports that you'll need your bag to have. For example, if you're carrying a light load that's under 10 pounds, your bag typically won't need any supports. Once you start increasing in weight, you may need hip belts, built in frames, and better strap support. Having the proper supports in place can ensure that you're able to carry the weight without too much strain on your body.
Choosing the perfect backpack for your hiking needs is a very important process. It shouldn't be rushed or overlooked. Your backpack is how you will transport everything that you need. Therefore, it's important for the bag to be the type that you need for the trips that you take. Spending a little time shopping around and testing bags can save you a lot of trouble down the road.